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Guatemala Missions Trip 2015: Day Six

275_p1_07_1879 LQToday was our last full day in Nebaj. After breakfast, we headed off to work at Domingo’s house. Domingo is a local pastor who oversees thirteen churches in and around Nebaj. Although he has a stoic face and calm demeanor, his warm smile conveys the love of God the moment you start conversation. Domingo is a man who has truly given his life for the Gospel.

Domingo, his wife, and their five children share a beautiful home on the outskirts of Nebaj. We spent the morning running buckets of stone and sand up a narrow, steep staircase. Domingo recently donated the land behind his home to the local youth group. A team would be using the sand and gravel we delivered to mix and pour cement for a rec center floor.

We took turns imagining the soccer games that would take place in what used to be Domingo’s back yard. Land is the most prized possession in Nebaj, and this space would be the first of its kind for the local youth. After a full day, we collapsed into the chairs in Domingo’s dining room. He fed us a delicious, traditional meal before sending us on our way.

Tonight, we had a special treat. Benito, the Mr.-Fix-It on the McComb property, had learned to play a set of Andean flutes over a decade ago. Since then, he has recruited his whole family to travel and play music with him. We sat and listened to some of the most beautiful music we have ever heard as the flames from the McComb’s outdoor fireplace danced behind us. We snuck off to bed after the band finished, full and satisfied after a hard day’s work.

Text by Michael White. Photos courtesy of Tim Maggio. #citylightnyc

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