CityLight Church – Blog

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Day 74: Irrevocable

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Sunday, March 15th, 2015
CityLight Church’s One Year Bible Reading Plan
Numbers 22:21-23:30
Luke 1:57-80
Psalm 58:1-11
Proverbs 11:12-13
For full text click here:

Commentary from Pastor Mike White:

Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it. – Num 23:20

God’s blessings are permanent: no man, or devil, can ever reverse them. Balaam could not curse the people of Israel, because God had already blessed them abundantly; and Satan cannot curse us, because we are already blessed! He whom God has blessed cannot be cursed.

God’s will is always to bless us. It is the enemy who seeks to rob of us the blessings God has always intended for us; never God who seeks to withdraw from us the blessings which He has already promised.

After God created man in Genesis 1, He set a precedent to show us His priorities. The very first thing God did to man was bless him:

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them… – Gen 1:27-28

God’s will is to bless you. It’s His nature; He cannot help it, and His will does not change. God is your loving Father, and He wants good things for you! Salvation is just the start of the lifetime of blessing He wants you to enjoy.


Father, I receive Your love! I accept the finished work of the Cross, and I rely on Your Son Jesus Christ for salvation. By faith, I receive the blessings that You have intended for me from the beginning of time: not because I deserve them, but simply because You desire to bless me!

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