CityLight Church – Blog

Experience Love. Grace. God.

Day 37: Some Assembly Required

Exodus 23:14-25:40

Matthew 24:29-51

Psalm 30:1-12

Proverbs 7:24-27

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CityLight Pastor Commentary:

So you’ve been following along every single day with our daily Bible reading, but now you’ve hit a wall. Did I just read your mind? Exodus 25 starts to describe, in painstaking detail, how Israel’s master craftsmen were supposed to construct each and every single item in the tabernacle. Do we really need to know all that stuff, down to the cubit? Why does God give us all this information? In the New Testament context, YOU are the carrier of God’s Presence. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19). So as Moses describes each and every single part of God’s sanctuary, think about all the effort God put into planning and laying out those blueprints. If God had that much attention to detail when He was building a house of wood and metal, how much more attention to detail must He have employed in designing you and me?! The Bible says God has the hairs on our head numbered (Luke 12:7). I also guarantee you God knows the size, color and location of each and every single one of those hairs. All of us are intentionally designed by God down to the most intricate detail. You are built to house His Presence, and to share His love with everyone you meet. Going to Bible school, listening to sermons and studying all day doesn’t always prepare you to minister to others; but the fact that you were built as a residence for God’s Holy Spirit most certainly does.



“Father, thank You that I am designed for Your Presence! I know Your Holy Spirit lives inside of me. Grow my ability to hear from Him every single day in Jesus’ Mighty Name!”

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