CityLight Church – Blog

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Day 37: Faithful and Wise

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Friday, February 6th, 2015
CityLight Church’s One Year Bible Reading Plan
Exodus 23:14-25:40
Matthew 24:29-51
Psalm 30:1-12
Proverbs 7:24-27
For full text click here:

Commentary from Pastor Mike White:

Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household? Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing. Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods.  – Matt 24:45-47

All of us want more. If we have a job, we want a promotion. If we have a paycheck, we want more money. If we operate in one or two gifts of the Holy Spirit, we want to operate in even more! So how do we get more?

Jesus tells us that when we are faithful and wise with what He has already given us, He will make ruler over all His goods. Do you want more? Put that desire on pause, and ask yourself: What are you doing with everything you already have?

When we are good stewards over everything God has given us, He will cause us to be stewards over so much more. When are faithful with little, He will bless us with much!


Father, help me to be grateful for everything I already have! I know that You are the God of increase and provision. Help me to focus simply on being a good steward over everything You have already given into my hand. When I give it all over to You, You will cause it to increase!

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