CityLight Church – Blog

Experience Love. Grace. God.

Day 333: Take Your Time!

The Daily Word: Thursday, November 29th, 2018
Daniel 6:1-28
2 Peter 3:1-18
Psalm 119:129-152
Proverbs 28:21-22
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Commentary from Pastor Michael White:
But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. – 2 Peter 3:8

How many times have you questioned God’s faithfulness because something took longer than you expected? How many times have your doubted the promise because it didn’t arrive as soon as you would have liked?

God doesn’t work according to your timeline; He works according to His! When God promised Abraham a son, He said, “I will certainly return to you according to the time of life, and behold, Sarah your wife shall have a son” (Gen 18:10). So do you want to know when your promise will come to pass? According to the time of life!

We live in time; but God lives outside of time. We see things one day after another in a linear fashion; but God can see the entire trajectory of our lives all at once and insert His promise – the answer to your prayer – at any moment He deems fit.

Don’t rush God! God has permission to take His time. With God, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. One thing I know for sure: in the end, it will be worth the wait.


Father, thank You for Your perfect timing. I submit to Your timing; and I submit to Your will! I trust You, in Jesus’ name.

See commentary from this day in 2014.
See commentary from this day in 2015.
See commentary from this day in 2016.
See commentary from this day in 2017.

© Michael D. White, 2018. All rights reserved.

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