CityLight Church – Blog

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Day 320: Why We Need Jesus

CityLight Church’s One Year Bible Reading Plan
Monday, November 16th, 2015
Ezekiel 33:1-34:31
Hebrews 13:1-25
Psalm 115:1-18
Proverbs 27:21-22
For full text click here:

Commentary from Pastor Michael White:

When I say to the righteous that he shall surely live, but he trusts in his own righteousness and commits iniquity, none of his righteous works shall be remembered; but because of the iniquity that he has committed, he shall die. – Ezek 33:13

If we live a “good” life, love our friends and family well, and are nice to other people, is that enough to get us into Heaven?

Unfortunately, no. If you live perfectly your entire life, but have one momentarily lapse, all your good behavior will count for nothing. Sin cancels righteousness. Even if you do one thing wrong, all your righteous deeds will be forgotten.

This is why we need Jesus. You have a choice to make. If you want to get to Heaven without Jesus, you have to be perfect. But if you’ve been anything but perfect, you need Jesus! You need to trust in the finished work of the Cross!

God has made provision to account for your imperfection. Trust in Jesus. Your eternal life depends on it.

For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. – Heb 10:14


Father, thank You that the finished work of the Cross makes me whole! I could never be perfect; but Jesus was perfect for me. He died so that I might live. I accept Him as Lord over my life!

© Michael D. White, 2015. All rights reserved.

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