CityLight Church – Blog

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Day 31: Undignified Worship

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Saturday, January 31st, 2015
CityLight Church’s One Year Bible Reading Plan
Exodus 12:14-13:16
Matthew 20:29-21:22
Psalm 25:16-22
Proverbs 6:12-15
For full text click here:

Commentary from Pastor Mike White:

“Then the multitude warned them that they should be quiet; but they cried out all the more…” (Matt 20:31).

Two blind men sat by the road as Jesus passed by. Everyone around them told them to be quiet, but they cried out all the more! The result? Jesus heard them, and granted their request. He turned and asked them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” (v 32).

There is a time for quiet prayer, and a time for loud prayer. To “cry out” means to shout (Strong’s #2896)! These men would not be restrained by what the people around them thought was appropriate. They were willing to be undignified before God, just as David was when he danced in his linens!

Cry out to God. Get loud! Make your requests known to Him. When your requests line up with His will, He will deliver them into your hand.


Father, I’m done caring what the people around me think. I’m not afraid to worship You with reckless abandon! I’m going to cry out to You. I’m going to get loud, and show the world how much I love You!

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