CityLight Church – Blog

Experience Love. Grace. God.

Day 3: Speak the Word

Genesis 5:1-7:24

Matthew 3:7-4:11

Psalm 3:1-8

Proverbs 1:10-19

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Pastor Commentary:

In Matt 4:1-10, Satan tempts Jesus. It is so important to note that when Jesus responds to Satan’s taunts, He uses Scripture – nothing more, nothing less. If even Jesus Christ, the Son of God, knew He had to stick to Scripture when responding to temptation, how much more so do we! The Word of God preserves us in every situation; it is ‘living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword’ (Heb 4:12). Whenever we find ourselves in a tight spot, our best option is to speak the Word of God – out loud – over that situation. In order to speak it, we have to know it; so let’s keep reading!



“Father, help me to know Your Word! Give me a passion for Your Word: an unquenchable thirst and a never-ending desire to hear Your Will for every situation in my life. When I am tempted, or even just discouraged, bring Your Word to my remembrance so I can speak it out loud!”

One response to “Day 3: Speak the Word”

  1. Veronica DeJesus Avatar
    Veronica DeJesus

    I found it baffling (can’t seem to find the right word) that Satan himself quoted Scripture in tempting Jesus – speaks directly to Pastor Shawn Matrin’s comments. Yes! Father, help me to know Your Word! Give me a passion for Your Word! Open the eyes of my heart to its meaning.

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