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Day 243: Peace and Understanding

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Monday, August 31st, 2015
CityLight Church’s One Year Bible Reading Plan
Job 37:1-39:30
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10
Psalm 44:9-26
Proverbs 22:13
For full text click here:

Commentary from Pastor Mike White:

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.” – Job 38:4

God knows everything.

No matter what you’re going through, He knows how to deliver you. No matter what you need, He knows how to get it to you. No matter how broken beyond repair you think you are, God knows how to knit you back together.

We live in an age of understanding. We want information, and we want it now. But Job learned a powerful lesson: we can never contend with God. We can never demand answers from the God who created us; we can only seek revelation He has specifically hidden for us to find. All throughout his narrative, Job asks to contend with God; he asks to prove his righteousness. But no man can contend with God.

The alternative to contending with God is to trust Him. Put your faith in God, and ask Him to give you His peace, which surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). Accept that God knows many things you will never understand, and that He doesn’t owe you an explanation. Now rest easy, because the God of the universe protects and provides for you!


Father, I choose peace over understanding. I will never see as clearly as You do, and I accept that. Help me to find peace in knowing that even though I can never understand everything, You already have!

© Michael D. White, 2015. All rights reserved.

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