CityLight Church – Blog

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Day 201: I Can’t Do It!

The Daily Word: Tuesday, July 20th, 2021
2 Chronicles 1:1-3:17
Romans 6:1-23
Psalm 16:1-11
Proverbs 19:20-21
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Commentary from Pastor Michael White:
“Now, O Lord God, let Your promise to David my father be established, for You have made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude. Now give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people; for who can judge this great people of Yours?” – 2 Chron. 1:9-10

Solomon gathered all the leaders of Israel and went to worship God at Gibeon. He made an offering to God (v 6), and God appeared to him. “Ask! What shall I give you?” God said (v 7). Imagine being in Solomon’s shoes! (Sandals?) If God showed up and told you to ask for anything, what would your request be? Would you ask for a long life? To be the smartest, most impressive person in the world? Would you ask for a big house, a fast car, and nice clothes? But Solomon didn’t ask for any of those things. And we can learn two things in particular from his prayer:

1) He was selfless. Solomon asked for “wisdom and knowledge,” but not for himself! He wanted to be wise so he could lead the people of Israel well. There is work God wants to do in your prayer life that can only happen when you take your eyes off yourself and pray that God would use you to lead and impact others.

2) He was humble. Solomon was overwhelmed! And he admitted to God that he had no idea what he was doing as he tried to lead God’s people. Solomon confessed to God that he was “a little child…[who did] not know how to go out or come in” (1 Kings 3:7). And this is a key to leadership! Be humble with God so you can lead confidently before man. It would have been immature for Solomon to confess to the people that he didn’t know what he was doing! But it was wise for Solomon to confess to God that he needed help.

In response, God gave Solomon everything he asked for and more. Not only did God answer his prayer by giving him “wisdom and knowledge;” but He also gave him “wealth and honor,” such as no king has ever had before or since. When you admit to God that you need help, He will give you all you need and more.


Father, I admit I can’t do it. I can’t do anything You have called me to do without Your help. I ask that You fill me with wisdom and knowledge, along with every material resource I would ever need to walk out Your calling on my life. I want to serve You well, in Jesus’ name!

© Michael D. White, 2021. All rights reserved.

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