CityLight Church – Blog

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Day 169: Prayer WORKS!

The Daily Word: Monday, June 18th, 2018
1 Kings 19:1-21
Acts 12:1-23
Psalm 136:1-26
Proverbs 17:14-15
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Commentary from Pastor Michael White:
Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. – Acts 12:5

Peter was in prison. James had just been killed for his faith (v 2), and Peter was next in line. But then something happened: the church started to pray. When people prayed, everything changed!

Now behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, “Arise quickly!” And his chains fell off his hands. – Acts 12:7

Prayer opens prisons. Prayer changes hearts! Prayer can save a city, a nation, and this world. Are you ready to pray?


Father, I want to PRAY! I know there is power in my prayers. Remind me to offer constant prayer for the things that move Your heart, in Jesus’ name.

See commentary from this day in 2014.
See commentary from this day in 2015.
See commentary from this day in 2016.
See commentary from this day in 2017.

© Michael D. White, 2018. All rights reserved.

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